Dzomo la Mupo membership
To establish Dzomo la Mupo in all working areas Mupo ndi tshithu tshinwe na tshinwe tshi songo itiwaho kana u vhumbiwa nga zwanḓa zwa muthu, zwi nga vha …
To establish Dzomo la Mupo in all working areas Mupo ndi tshithu tshinwe na tshinwe tshi songo itiwaho kana u vhumbiwa nga zwanḓa zwa muthu, zwi nga vha … A story of one woman who has stood up to fight for her communities Sacred sites. Mphatheleni Makaulule will not stand by and watch as Sacred sites are destroyed…
DLM THEME OF 2018 : The importance of indigenous trees and forests for the ecosystems in this times for climate change threat WE ARE DZOMO LA MUPO IN PRACTICE: WE…
Vho-Makhadzi Vho-Joyce Netshidzivhe of Thathe sacred Natural forests(Zwifho) She is the Dzomo la Mupo sacred sites co-coordinator.Members of DLM said she is the one who can lead this role when…
Dzomo la Mupo(DLM) 2018 theme: The importance of indigenous trees and indigenous forests in this times of climate change threats. We women!! We moon!! "Seedlings germinate from seed. We pick seeds…